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Join the Crimson Collective

Welcome dear ones.

You were made for pleasure, for play, for love.

Join the Crimson Collective and gently explore Divine Love, Embodied Magic, and Sacred Sexuality with me, and the support of others on the same path.

Find a supportive community with regular conversation prompts, live Circles with musings and meditations and energy work on Crimson themes, and offerings on my classes.

Come home to the magic of embodied spirit.

Come home to your creativity.

Come home with pleasure, ritual, playfulness. All at your own pace.

This is your invitation to come circle with us: Join the Crimson Collective today.

Drop your email below to become part of the community.

You will receive:

~ monthly (ish) love notes from Halo

~ offers on Crimson Craft workshops and retreats

~ and the link to request entry to the private Crimson Collective community, with weekly prompts, live meditations, and support.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.