A blessing ritual and launch party for a magical, musical, project, on the Full Moon! Come along, celebrate the launch of my debut single, and then I'll lead us in a Crimson Craft blessing ritual for both the Blood & Roses album/show and your own life filled with pleasure, play, and love... starting in the hour of Venus!

If you'd like to participate in the ritual bring a drink you enjoy (red is good, but anything is fine), a red (or white) candle if you can, and something to offer to the Red Goddess - rose petals or incense are great, or have somewhere to pour some of your drink to share with Her.

In this party we will celebrate love, pleasure, and the Red Goddess, asking for Her blessings on this project, and on your lives too - if you so desire.

I hope you'll come to celebrate with me on 1st August 2023!

In delight,

~Halo Quin

(singer-songwriter, producer, enchantress)

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