Encountering Babalon - on the freedom to be you

From Dr. Halo Quin

Notes of Love & Magic

(Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!)

Hello lovelies,

Over the Equinox, that balance point of light and dark, I was blessed to meet with my fellow witches, to hang out and make magic, and to speak at the International Thelemic Symposium in Oxford.

Followed by the big Initiation ritual for our latest Star Club magicians!

I'll admit that I'm still recovering, but I'm always so inspired by the magic that happens when people gather, and I'm considering what is growing from the seeds watered over the Equinox.

The talk I gave was:

Encountering Babalon, a phenomenological enquiry

And afterwards I had some beautiful conversations. People reaching out to share about their experiences of ecstatic ritual, of finding healing in acceptance, of finding freedom from the constraints that kept them from their true hearts.

One theme that came up several times was a fear that they might be too much of a prude to be welcomed by Babalon - the Thelemic goddess of life, lust, love, and death - or to do the work of unbinding the shame and chains around their sexuality.

And I get it.

I had the same fear.

So many people who write about Babalon, or sacred sexuality, talk about "being sexually free" (AKA orgies and swinging). And if that's your thing then by all means, please enjoy. But what if it isn't? What if for you, right at this moment, sexual freedom is about feeling connected to your own truth and nature? In celibacy or monogamy? What about asexual witches? Do they not get to dance with the goddess of life and love and lust?

In my home tradition, Feri, as in Thelema where Babalon arises from, there is the foundational principle of being true to yourself (and allowing others to be true to themselves).

Of knowing yourself and of choosing your path accordingly.

For myself, I have no interest in being promiscuous.

I know this about myself.

And so sexual freedom for me is also the freedom to choose not to have sex. Freedom is being true to yourself, not acting with no boundaries because someone told you that your boundary was a restriction.

To dance with Babalon, then, does not require promiscuity (unless that is your nature and your delight). Babalon invites you to be true to your self, to live and love as you Will.

There are some beautiful spaces for unravelling some of the bindings that might hold you back from your true self expression, but the last org* I went to I held a space in the Temple where clothing was required and the candles were burning, and even those who enjoyed the other room were glad for the space to choose.

And that is the key.

Not doing things because other people find it feels free, but knowing for yourself what is true freedom, your true heart and choosing from there.

If you want to work with Babalon you don't need to be either promiscuous or celibate, you need to be yourself.

And this is true in life too.

There is no one right way to be authentic or free, except to be authentically yourself, and freely yourself.

I'd love to hear from you, what is one story you've been told about how to be free and true to yourself that you realised wasn't true for you?

Share in TEA here or hit reply and send me an email.


I'll be sharing the talk in TEA when it becomes available, and I'm brewing opportunities to work in circle with me to connect with Babalon and the deities of Love and Passion in the Crimson Coven.

Come along to the free October Crimson Circle on 21st October to dive a little deeper into the conversation around working with Babalon, sacred sexuality, and the deities of lustiness, while being true to your own boundaries.

Doors Open for The Crimson Coven

The Crimson Coven Membership is now open! Within the academy schools of magic are slowly blossoming, and the first is the Crimson Coven (not to be confused with the Collective, which remains free). You can sign up to the courses as stand-alone offerings, but I love making space for people to really explore the topics at hand.

In the Crimson Coven you'll learn tools and concepts for your own embodied magic, and experience the energy of divine eros to help you tap into your power. You'll work on creating deeper relationships with the deities of love and passion, and discover their support.

Included in your Crimson Coven Membership is:

  • a live, experiential, class every month (starting with the elements of eros series),
  • access to the pre-recorded course Deities of Love,
  • heart-centred meditations,
  • a growing library of pre-recorded crimson classes...

This is also where I'll be sharing previews of my work-in-progress show Blood & Roses, and offering the Rope for Ritual and Magic classes in the New Year.

You can sign up for just £49 a month, or get discounts for a quarterly or annual membership.

(PS: There are a number of scholarships available - get in touch if you need to apply for one.)

Next Masterclass: On Fairies

This month's masterclass is "On Fairies" on Monday 7th October, join TEA to catch the live class and discover how you can work with fairies, and why you might want to... and how to find a practice that is authentic to you!

For the Masterclasses and Crimson Circles at TEA so far you can find links to the replays here for a limited time, next week these will start moving to the library!

Autumn Season (September-November)

Over the next few weeks I’ll be speaking at the online Moon Con 2024 "Encountering Fairy" on 12th October, Ancestral Pathways online con 31st-3rd Nov, & South Wales Occult Con on 2nd Nov.

Autumn at T.E.A.

Elements of Eros - Earth, Kink & Magic, On Fairies, Unlocking Stories, our monthly Crimson Circles & Storytimes with the Faery Doctor!

If you enjoy my offerings do share this with a friend who would enjoy it too. Let's spread love and magic through the world!

May your life be enchanted.

In delight,

~ Halo Quin x

author, performer, witch

Books, Music & Storytelling

Curious about my other work? You can find my books - including "Folktales, Faeries, & Spirits", "Gods and Goddesses of Wales", and the forthcoming "Storytelling for Magic" - my music, poetry, and storytelling all on my website... All routes to enchanting your life.

What is TEA?

In the TEA Community rooms you'll find discussion, prompts, and monthly masterclasses on magical topics, including the Crimson Circles with meditations on divine love, sacred pleasure, and embodied magic.

There are discussion prompts, healing and oracle swaps, and free masterclasses on aspects of magic each month... And a library of self-study courses to join if you choose to subscribe!

I've got so many delicious things lined up for you, but the short version is - join TEA for magic and community, and re-enchant your life!

​Join TEA on Mighty Networks and get access to next month's magical events!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Halo Quin

Join me in re-enchanting the world, starting with your own life. I believe we are all made for magic, for pleasure, for play, and for love. Each month I send out a love note with tips and suggestions for rooting deeper into magic, and updates on my magical offerings. I am here to support you in rooting into divine love and embodied magic, so that you can reclaim your full power as a magical human being and create the magical life you choose, if you wish.

Read more from Halo Quin
Red background, white text "The Crimson Coven"

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Welcome to everyone who has joined my world in the last couple of months, it's such an honour to be able to share my work with you, and I am so grateful to those of you that support me and TEA so I can continue to offer so much for free. Here the land is turning toward autumn and I've been brewing up some magic for you. I've got some lovely events lined up for you this...

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