The Witches Power of Shapeshifting (FREE class at TEA this Monday)

From Dr. Halo Quin

Notes of Love & Magic

(Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!)

Hello lovelies,

I'm settling back into life after my adventure weaving lunar magic in Italy and reflecting back on some of the powerful experiences and beautiful magic that was shared. One piece was on shapeshifting, a skill that has fascinated me since I first discovered, aged 11, that there were adults who also believed in magic and I wondered;

"If witches are real, are shapeshifters real too?"

I soon discovered that shapeshifting is one of the skills of the witch.

Shapeshifting shows up throughout history, myth, legend, and even into modern practices today. The skill to shift ones shape, to take on a new perspective, new abilities, new understanding.

Today we think of it as an imaginative or energetic practice, and it is. But it is worth remembering that the world is more nuanced than we think, and the physical is not so far away from the spirit.

Historically shapeshifting was often described as being literal, and there are accounts of people flying to safety, or becoming bears, wolves, and hares.

Terry Pratchett illustrates the traditional witchcraft practice of faring forth in animal form well, when Granny Weatherwax hangs a sign up saying "I ate'nt dead" and sends her spirit out to "borrow" an animal's senses, but it was common in this practice that the spirit was sent out in animal form, as a physical presence itself . The witch-spirit-as-animal, running as a hare, could even be injured and that injury would appear on their body the next day. Scottish witch Isobel Gowdie describes a famous example of this.

The line between physical and spiritual is more porous than we might believe.

I first experienced this practice in a group with the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin, where they shapeshift during a chase, travelling through the realms, but I'd spent years exploring it beforehand - in dreams, in meditations and journey, out walking, and even playing hide and seek!

Some of the ways you can work with shapeshifting include:

  • Shifting your energy body to be more inviting or to discourage advances
  • Changing colours to project different impressions or hide!
  • Borrowing the heightened sight of the red kite, or hearing of the hare
  • Exploring different perspectives and landscapes through journeys to learn, and to gain insight
  • Remembering your relationship to the other beings in the web of life
  • To be inspired
  • For fun!

So much in life shifts and changes that exploring deliberate shapeshifting is also a wonderful magical tool for reflecting on what stays the same. What is consistent in you when you become a hare? A cat? A bird? What is, deep down, the core of you?

And what is eternal when everything else changes too? If you feel unsettled and overwhelmed by the fast paced chaos of modern life, finding that thread can be a powerful way of anchoring yourself.

Shapeshifting is, then, perfect for exploring different perspectives and finding the deep truths, for knowing yourself as well as the other.

So I'm really excited to share a FREE "masterclass" on shapeshifting as a witches skill, on Monday 22nd July! You can come and find out more about Shapeshifting, and experience it for yourself, in The Enchanted Academy, which has itself shifted shape and has a new home!

Come deepen your magic and explore the witches skill of shapeshifting this Monday!

Does shapeshifting intrigue you? Do you enjoy being inspired & exploring new perspectives? Are you longing for more wonder in this uncertain world?


If you enjoyed my offerings today, if they inspired you at all, do please consider sharing this with a friend who might enjoy it too. Let's spread love and magic through the world!


May your life be enchanted.

In delight,

~ Halo Quin x

author, performer, witch

PS: An update on my plans for an online course in self-tying for magic and trance! - I'll be offering the Kink and Magic talk online in TEA early next month, a workshop over the summer, and the course will start in October...

Books, Music & Storytelling

Curious about my other work? You can find my books - including "Folktales, Faeries, & Spirits", "Gods and Goddesses of Wales", and the forthcoming "Storytelling for Magic" - my music, poetry, and storytelling all on my website... All routes to enchanting your life.

What is TEA?

In the TEA Community rooms you'll find discussion, prompts, and monthly masterclasses on magical topics, including the Crimson Circles with meditations on divine love, sacred pleasure, and embodied magic.

There are discussion prompts, healing and oracle swaps, and free masterclasses on aspects of magic each month... And a library of self-study courses to join if you choose to subscribe!

I've got so many delicious things lined up for you, but the short version is - join TEA for magic and community, and re-enchant your life!

​Join TEA on Mighty Networks and attend the Shapeshifting Masterclass on Monday!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Halo Quin

Join me in re-enchanting the world, starting with your own life. I believe we are all made for magic, for pleasure, for play, and for love. Each month I send out a love note with tips and suggestions for rooting deeper into magic, and updates on my magical offerings. I am here to support you in rooting into divine love and embodied magic, so that you can reclaim your full power as a magical human being and create the magical life you choose, if you wish.

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