Solstice Season and a new FREE event! Magic, storytelling, music ,& classes at TEA

From Dr. Halo Quin

Notes of Love & Magic

(Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!)

Hello lovelies!

The summer so far has been a whirlwind of performance and magic, just the way I like it!

It started with my storytelling persona, the Faery Doctor, and it is such a wonderful experience to be able to share magic with people that would probably not call it that, or indeed identify as pagan.

There is such healing in stories, and the way they help us rest in that trance-space, opening up the enchantment beyond the everyday.

I know from experience that when you make space for spirit, the right story for that person in that moment arises, so I created a set-up where the listener chooses the story, without knowing what it is.

(This also, admittedly, stops me from getting too comfortable with any specific stories, which prevents habit, boredom, and complacency!)

I've written a bit about the show, and I was wondering how to share this enchanting experience with those of you who are further afield... so starting this month I'm going to be offering Storytime with the Faery Doctor - a free online livestream with a story and a little musing on the magic in that tale, starting on Wednesday 26th June, 7pm (UK). Find out more here. Hope to see you there!

And this month's schedule for magical classes at TEA is up - find it here!

If you enjoy, hit reply and say hi.

~~~ NEWS ~~~


Storytelling shows include:

Thereby Hangs a Tale at Longwood, Songs from the Cryptozoologist's Library, online, and Storytime with the Faery Doctor FREE online!

And I'm offering talks, classes, and workshops on Storytelling as Magic, The Bright Spirit, & Journeys to the Otherworld!

Find all the details here.


Crimson Circles - Weekly-ish magical livestreams will be happening in the Crimson Collective Facebook Group (click here), on Mondays - 3rd, 10th, and 17th, at 8pm UK time. These are open to all, just join the group. Replays will be up on Patreon for all tiers!

NEW: Storytime with the Faery Doctor! Join me on a livestream as the Faery Doctor, for a magical storytelling enchantment. Each month a volunteer will choose from my Doctor's bags of yarns and we'll explore the healing power of the story together. Come listen to a tale and experience the magic that arises.

Our first Storytime will be on Wednesday 26th June '24. (Facebook event page with details here)

~~~ At The Enchanted Academy ~~~

This month at TEA (on Patreon) - Archetypes, Deites, & more, The Bright Spirit, an AMA, Storytime, meditations, divination, & more, plus weekly livestreams in the Crimson Coven Collective on FB.

Find this month's schedule for TEA here.

If you join the Librarian or Coven tier you'll also get monthly material working on Storytelling for Magic, to build your bardic skills and boost your connection to the Awen!


If you enjoyed my offerings today, if they inspired you at all, do please consider sharing this with a friend who might enjoy it too. Let's spread love and magic through the world!


Blessings of the turning year...

In delight,

~ Halo Quin x

author, performer, witch

PS: An update on my plans for an online course in self-tying for magic and trance! - I'll be offering the Kink and Magic talk online in July, a workshop over the summer, and the course will start in the autumn...

If that sounds like your kind of thing, I'd love to hear from you... there's a short form here you can tick boxes on!


Peruse my books, including Crimson Craft, a queer friendly introduction to working with sexual energy in your witchy practice, exploring healing through ritual, sexual spellcasting, and Divine Love.

Join TEA here.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Halo Quin

Join me in re-enchanting the world, starting with your own life. I believe we are all made for magic, for pleasure, for play, and for love. Each month I send out a love note with tips and suggestions for rooting deeper into magic, and updates on my magical offerings. I am here to support you in rooting into divine love and embodied magic, so that you can reclaim your full power as a magical human being and create the magical life you choose, if you wish.

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From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Welcome to everyone who has joined my world in the last couple of months, it's such an honour to be able to share my work with you, and I am so grateful to those of you that support me and TEA so I can continue to offer so much for free. Here the land is turning toward autumn and I've been brewing up some magic for you. I've got some lovely events lined up for you this...

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