TEA NEWS - Integration, Shapeshifting, Elements of Eros, & Storytime!

From Dr. Halo Quin

Notes of Love & Magic

(Request to Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!)

Hello lovelies,

What's big in your life right now? Next week I am heading over to Italy to teach at a Lunar Witchcraft Retreat, I'm busy reconstructing a myth of Diana, and writing class outlines for Shapeshifting, Scrying, and Working with the Fairies. I haven't left Britain for about 9 years so I'm nervous and thrilled in equal measure. I've missed adventuring to share magic with folk in other lands. First step when I arrive will be introducing myself to the land there, like beginning a new friendship.

Secondly, I've been brewing up something exciting behind the scenes... a new home for The Enchanted Academy and our magical community!

If you've been with me for a while then you'll know I've tried various formats, always exploring options to better support the magic, the sharing, and the connecting in community that is so valuable to creative, magical, heart-centred living.

Now it's time to move everything under one roof.

The Enchanted Academy on Mighty Networks: OPENING THIS SUMMER

(scroll down for more details!)

As I told Rachel Patterson in a podcast interview this week (out next month) I do a lot because I am excited and delighted by so much of life. As time passes I'm really recognising how connected all these aspects really are, and the value of sharing them in an integrated space.

My work with the Fair Folk is rooted in relationship - in the heart, like the Crimson Craft. Myth and stories weave through both, and my work with deity as well...

Each piece feeds the other.

Music, writing, performing, they're all ways to follow my calling - to re-enchant the world.

I know I'm here to support you in finding your path back into enchantment, into magic and delight, so you too can do what you love, whatever the world throws at you.

And I learned this by recognising that all the things that I'm called to are in service of enchantment.

Remembering the connections between the things that you love is a powerful step in noticing what your heart's work is. And it opens the way toward integration, bringing all the parts of your self into communication.

What is it that you love? And what do all the things you love have in common? Let that illuminate something about the heart of you... what do you notice?

The Enchanted Academy on "mighty network", integrating all the threads I teach, opens later this month.

In the TEA Community rooms you'll find discussion, prompts, and monthly livestreams on magical topics, including a separate dedicated space for Crimson Craft related discussion and the Crimson Circles with meditations on divine love and embodied magic.

We'll have free online rituals for the festivals, and free masterclasses on aspects of magic each month...

And a library of self-study courses to join if you choose to subscribe!

The Crimson Coven

with my Crimson Craft classes and courses will re-open in the new TEA "venue" as a school of magic within the Academy, with the launch of a new class (details coming soon).

And I'm tending to "The Bardic Grove" where Storytelling for Magic, "Courting the Muse", and classes on inspiration, creativity, and more will be offered, opening later in the year.

I've got so many delicious things lined up for you, but the short version is - join TEA for magic and community, and re-enchant your life!

You can request an invitation here: Join TEA on Mighty Networks!

~~~ NEWS ~~~


To celebrate the new venue I'll be offering several FREE live events later this month - including an Enchanted Circle on Shapeshifting, an introduction to Elements of Eros (my next Crimson Craft course), and a LAMMAS ritual!


Crimson Circles - I'm offering magical livestreams in the Crimson Collective Facebook Group (click here), on Thursdays - 18th, 25th, at 8pm UK time. These are open to all, just join the group. (These will move to TEA in August!)

NEW: Storytime with the Faery Doctor! (On Youtube)

Join me on a livestream as the Faery Doctor, for a magical storytelling enchantment. Each month I choose from my Doctor's bags of yarns and we'll explore the healing power of the story together. Come listen to a tale and experience the magic that arises.

July's Storytime will be on Wednesday 31st July '24.


If you enjoyed my offerings today, if they inspired you at all, do please consider sharing this with a friend who might enjoy it too. Let's spread love and magic through the world!


Blessings of the turning year...

In delight,

~ Halo Quin x

author, performer, witch

PS: An update on my plans for an online course in self-tying for magic and trance! - I'll be offering the Kink and Magic talk online in TEA early next month, a workshop over the summer, and the course will start in October...

If that sounds like your kind of thing, I'd love to hear from you... there's a short form here you can tick boxes on!


Peruse my books, including Crimson Craft, a queer friendly introduction to working with sexual energy in your witchy practice, exploring healing through ritual, sexual spellcasting, and Divine Love.

Apply to Join TEA here.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Halo Quin

Join me in re-enchanting the world, starting with your own life. I believe we are all made for magic, for pleasure, for play, and for love. Each month I send out a love note with tips and suggestions for rooting deeper into magic, and updates on my magical offerings. I am here to support you in rooting into divine love and embodied magic, so that you can reclaim your full power as a magical human being and create the magical life you choose, if you wish.

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From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Over the Equinox, that balance point of light and dark, I was blessed to meet with my fellow witches, to hang out and make magic, and to speak at the International Thelemic Symposium in Oxford. Followed by the big Initiation ritual for our latest Star Club magicians! I'll admit that I'm still recovering, but I'm always so inspired by the magic that happens when people...

Red background, white text "The Crimson Coven"

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Welcome to everyone who has joined my world in the last couple of months, it's such an honour to be able to share my work with you, and I am so grateful to those of you that support me and TEA so I can continue to offer so much for free. Here the land is turning toward autumn and I've been brewing up some magic for you. I've got some lovely events lined up for you this...

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