
Halo Quin

Join me in re-enchanting the world, starting with your own life. I believe we are all made for magic, for pleasure, for play, and for love. Each month I send out a love note with tips and suggestions for rooting deeper into magic, and updates on my magical offerings. I am here to support you in rooting into divine love and embodied magic, so that you can reclaim your full power as a magical human being and create the magical life you choose, if you wish.

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Encountering Babalon - on the freedom to be you

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Over the Equinox, that balance point of light and dark, I was blessed to meet with my fellow witches, to hang out and make magic, and to speak at the International Thelemic Symposium in Oxford. Followed by the big Initiation ritual for our latest Star Club magicians! I'll admit that I'm still recovering, but I'm always so inspired by the magic that happens when people...

Red background, white text "The Crimson Coven"

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Welcome to everyone who has joined my world in the last couple of months, it's such an honour to be able to share my work with you, and I am so grateful to those of you that support me and TEA so I can continue to offer so much for free. Here the land is turning toward autumn and I've been brewing up some magic for you. I've got some lovely events lined up for you this...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, Happy Lammas, Lughnasadh, Calan Awst, and Imbolc for my Southern Hemisphere folk! Here it's the start of the grain harvest, and Leo season is in full swing. The rowan berries are out, turning the small dark trees brilliant red, and, as I write this, the sun has burned away the cooling clouds to bake the stone paths that wind through my town, and the tourists have...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, I'm settling back into life after my adventure weaving lunar magic in Italy and reflecting back on some of the powerful experiences and beautiful magic that was shared. One piece was on shapeshifting, a skill that has fascinated me since I first discovered, aged 11, that there were adults who also believed in magic and I wondered; "If witches are real, are shapeshifters...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Request to Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies, What's big in your life right now? Next week I am heading over to Italy to teach at a Lunar Witchcraft Retreat, I'm busy reconstructing a myth of Diana, and writing class outlines for Shapeshifting, Scrying, and Working with the Fairies. I haven't left Britain for about 9 years so I'm nervous and thrilled in equal measure. I've missed adventuring to...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies! The summer so far has been a whirlwind of performance and magic, just the way I like it! It started with my storytelling persona, the Faery Doctor, and it is such a wonderful experience to be able to share magic with people that would probably not call it that, or indeed identify as pagan. There is such healing in stories, and the way they help us rest in that...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies! Beltane-tide is already in full swing for me, how about you? Here's a round-up as we move into May... I shared some impromptu musings on Instagram, with a mini-ritual for Beltane that you can watch here if you like, to soak up some of the summer sun energy. I love to tread that line between performance and magic, story and spirit-work, so on Beltane Eve I...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies! There's always a lot I want to share with you each month so I'm trying a tweak to the format... I'm too excited to tell you this later though... this weekend my writing was featured in The Wild Hunt! On ADHD and Ritual... you can read it here! Whee! Right here's the new format... highlights, then some musings, then all the class details! ~~~THIS MONTH'S...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello lovelies! We are fast approaching the Equinox... which in my part of the world means spring is in the air! And this month has swept by rather speedily, so my apologies for the delay in sending this. Last weekend was the Goblin Masquerade and I was rather wrapped up in event related things, and then recovering this week, so thank you for your patience at this slightly...

From Dr. Halo Quin Notes of Love & Magic (Join The Enchanted Academy for monthly classes, meditations, & more here!) Hello dear ones, Imbolc (and Lammas) Blessings, may inspiration flow easily for you! I've just submitted the finished manuscript for my next book - Storytelling for Magic - which should be out in about a year's time. I can't wait to share it with you so here's an extract! (scroll down for upcoming classes and events) ~~~ STORYTELLING FOR MAGIC ~~~ The Bard, the Skald, the Poet;...